‘Kukuku……. Yatsu wa Shiten’no no Naka Demo Saijaku’ to Kaiko sa Reta Ore, Naze ka Yusha to Seijo no Shisho ni Naru

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Alternative | "Heh heh heh....... He Is the Weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings." I Was Dismissed From My Job, but Somehow I Became the Master of a Hero and a Priestess, "Kukuku....... El es el más débil de los cuatro monarcas celestiales." Me despidieron de mi trabajo, pero de alguna manera me convertí en el maestro de un héroe y una doncella santa, "Kukuku....... He Is the Weakest of the Four Heavenly Monarchs." I Was Dismissed From My Job, but Somehow I Became the Master of a Hero and a Holy Maiden, `Kukuku……. Yatsu wa Shiten'nō no Naka Demo Saijaku' to Kaiko sa Reta Ore, Naze ka Yūsha to Seijo no Shishō ni Naru, Somehow I, a Person Who Was Dismissed With a "Kukuku… Even Though That Guy Is One of the Four Heavenly Monarchs, He's the Weakest" Became the Master of Both the Hero and the Saintess, 「ククク……。奴は四天王の中でも最弱」と解雇された俺、なぜか勇者と聖女の師匠になる, 「库库库......。 他是四天王之中最弱」这样被解雇的我、不知为何成了勇者和圣女的师傅, 「庫庫庫……。他是四天王之中最弱」這樣被解僱的我、不知為何成了勇者和聖女的師傅, 「크크큭……. 놈은 사천왕 중에서도 최약이지」라고 해고된 나, 왠지 용사와 성녀의 스승이 되었다 |
Status | Ongoing |
Type | Manga |
Released | 2021 |
Author | NOBENO Masayuki |
Artist | YOSHIHASHI Atsushi |
Serialization | Suiyoubi no Sirius (Kodansha) |
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